Customer Testimonials

Savecall customer testimonials


Alexander Hansen, IT Director
Satellite Office GmbH

We have already received very positive customer feedback on our new site networking service. Since the quality of the networking and connection of our sites is critical for our business, this makes us even happier. In addition, the cooperation with SAVECALL was smooth and we had access to qualified support at any time. With SAVECALL, we have found a reliable and competent partner.

Read our case study: Colt_Satellite_Office-2010


Hans-Michael Schania, Managing Director
Aurelius Capital Management GmbH

The recommendation from Savecall was the perfectly integrated solution for our needs; it was completely uncomplicated and very flexible.

Also read our case study: Colt Aurelius-2011


Florian Schwarz

As a provider of high-performance, web-based stock information systems, not only are the lowest-possible latency times and the most stable ICT systems absolutely necessary for us, we also require the corresponding service competence, cost efficiency and active consultation.

For more than 6 years, we have counted Savecall telecommunication consulting GmbH’s expertise.


Bruce Hathaway, Senior Manager for Telecommunications
Ingram Macrotron Distribution GmbH, Dornach bei München

Savecall understands service and customer support. Savecall possesses excellent knowledge of the telecommunications sector including all of the TC market activities and movements..

Simply put: Savecall is a very pleasant business partner and consultant.


Lebenswege für Menschen mit Behinderung gGmbH

Philipp Oehme, IT Director

We got to know Savecall as a partner that understands how to optimally unite the options of modern communication infrastructure services with the requirements of a non-profit  organization with regard to budget compliance, flexibility and innovation.

As an experienced Berlin-based service provider for people with disabilities and people with dementia, we have offered people nursing assistance, pedagogic support, innovative living situations and inpatient assistance since 1992.

More than 400 employees and 6 locations make communication an important topic in our daily operations.

Savecall shared its many years of experience and competence with our corporate network and assisted us in selecting service providers, managing a fleet of more than 100 mobile telephones and on the topic of site networking. We have nothing to add to this corporate image: Find ways – Convey certainty.



Josef Grünberger, Director of the Marketing Department
Deutsche AVIA Mineralöl-GmbH, Munich

The medium-sized AVIA Group in Germany is characterized by a heterogeneous and localized organizational structure. In addition, system stability is extremely important for processing credit and payment cards at the approx. 800 AVIA gas stations in Germany. With Savecall, AVIA has found a partner that excels at service and develops solutions that take individual requirements of every part of the organization into account.

The AVIA Group feels professionally supported, in particular when purchasing a modern communication solution based on cost and future-oriented solutions for increasing data transfer requirements.


Lubomir Drapka, BCM Manager
Allianz Global Assitance Group

For a multi-tiered organization like the Allianz Global Assistance Group (AGA), it was a huge challenge to establish the BCM requirements alongside daily operations so they can be implemented ad hoc. savecall itc solutions GmbH provided support.

In cooperation with savecall ict solutions GmbH, we were able to develop a complete BCM organization concept.

 Read also: Customer reference – Allianz Global Assistance

Optimierte IT-Strukturen durch BCM-Einführung

Francois Faucher, Team Manager IT Operations
Allianz Handwerker Services GmbH

Optimized IT structures by introducing business continuity management (BCM).

“We now have improved transparency and, more importantly, a stable, highly available system. Savecall accompanied us through the entire process and helped us make both topics a success by providing concepts and innovative suggestions.”

 Also read: Customer reference – Allianz Artisan Service

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